Thursday, February 9, 2012

weenies week five - Hands

weenies week five - Hands, originally uploaded by jahhdog.

Via Flickr:
Various hands in different positions and gestures.


  1. There are some good hand designs here but it's pretty clear which hands you drew free-hand and which you used reference on. Your arms really need a lot of work. Study the arm Krishna drew in Barry's critique.

    I'm glad to see someone else participating in the challenges. Keep them coming

    1. Actually, I used reference on all of them!!!

      I used a different pen tool for the darker ones on the left and was trying a more cartoony style. The one on the right are a ink tool with a more realistic style.

      I agree my arms are lousy. I was a little lost in the exercise regarding arms. I should have done what "Kayla" did and used torso's to give the arms a better starting/reference point!

      Thanks for the comments I am glad you are doing the exercise too!

